3D Printing Gives Dudley Duck a New Foot


Dudley the duck is back to waddling around after a 3D printer helped to supply him with a much-needed foot.

An unfortunate accident involving chickens left Dudley’s brother dead and Dudley without part of his leg and foot. But Dudley wasn’t about to give up. Dudley’s perseverance captured the hearts of many, and numerous attempts were made to give Dudley a new foot.

This was the third attempt at a foot for Dudley. The first snapped, the second caused bruising and pain – but it would seem that the third time’s the charm with this 3D printed foot. Dudley, who once could barely walk, is back to chasing other duck mates.

Traditional manufacturing methods require molding and alterations, making it time-consuming as well as expensive. 3D printing though, allowed for a quick turnaround, and the perfect fit. The foot was made from movable plastic – allowing Dudley to once again be free to swim and run.


Since his procedure, Dudley has found himself a mate, and has begun chasing animals ten times his size. You might say the foot has given him a boost of confidence.

A 3D printing company, Proto3000, based in Ontario Canada, printed the foot for free. And Dudley? He’s just happy he didn’t have to foot the bill for his new prosthetic. According to his caretaker, he took off walking as soon as the new foot was put on. Thanks to the new foot, his health is improving as well.

Dudley meanwhile, continues to get himself into plenty of trouble, always putting his best foot forward.

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