3D Printing Turns Fairy Tales Into Reality


How many kids have wanted an action figure or doll that looks just like them? Possibly not many, because until now, it hasn’t even been a possibility.

Thanks to the technology behind 3D printing, this idea has now become a reality.

Print3dpeople, a website that is set to launch in March 2014, is set to make this idea possible. Print3dpeople will allow you to scan your child in their favorite costume and upload the scan data to print3dpeople’s website. The data will be converted into a 3D printed doll or action figure and sent to your home.

A video made by print3dpeople shows “how to turn your daughter into a fairy.” A crown of ivy, pointy ears, and fairy costume are donned, and the fairy daughter is positioned in a fairy like pose for the scan, taking care to make the most of available light. The 3D printed version of the fairy is printed and details like wings and a variety of decorations are attached.

While this isn’t the first time that 3D printed “selfies” have been turned into a unique and fun recreation, it’s certainly something that your child can get excited about. Who knows? This may be the perfect way to capture your child in costume for a performance or play. And for adults, the technology can be a fun way to recreate themselves as well. 3Ders says that this technology and service may increase the proliferation of “threlfies” for children and adults alike.