A boy and his printer

Eleven year-old Andrew Man-Hudspith wanted a 3D printer so badly that he created a Powerpoint presentation to convince his parents why they should buy him a Makerbot Replicator. They ultimately agreed that a printer would encourage his budding inventive spirit.

In this new short documentary, Nathan Fitch tells us the story of this boy and his printer.

Source: Engineering.com

  • mnt

    Please never use autostarting videos again.

    • https://3dprinter.net Mark Fleming

      Yes, I hate those too! that’s how the video author must have set it up. I think there is a code I can add to force it not to do that, I’ll see and add it. Thanks for the heads up.

  • sam

    really impressed by the 11 year boy made a presentation to persuade his parents 🙂