About project

3dprinter.net is a portal for amateurs and professionals interested in 3D printing and related technologies. Our mission is to provide comprehensive information about additive manufacturing technologies and give our visitors the opportunity to share their knowledge with like-minded people.

The information sections of the site contain constantly updated catalogs of 3D printers and 3D scanners, information about manufacturers and links to owner publications. Publications are presented in the form of a blog open to all who wish to share their experiences or simply tell about interesting projects. In addition, the site presents the latest news from around the world, information about conferences and exhibitions, a selection of 3D digital models for every taste, and 3D-Wiki, aimed at familiarizing novice printers with the history, terminology, and other nuances of the 3D printing world.

We are well aware that there is no limit to perfection, so we are always open to suggestions from our readers and bloggers. If you have any ideas for improving the format of the site, write to us at.

Join our community and watch 3D technology change the world with us!
