Suggest new listing for 3D printer directory

If you would like to suggest a site for the directory, or offer corrections for any of the information on the site now, please let us know below, and select the proper category.

Important Notes:

  • We don’t list any products currently in crowdsourcing.
  • We don’t list companies that are only resellers.
  • Companies must be of sufficient stature in the market to be included, This is up to our discretion.
  • Companies should be focused primarily in the 3D printing area.
  • On Online Printing Service, we are primarily interested only in the top consumer upload-and-print sites, and the very major, non-regional services.
  • Please select a category
  • Please enter a short description.
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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • Olívia Justo

    A great desktop 3D printer that is missing on this directory is CraftBot – a very affordable but quality product that anyone can use. You can find more information on their blog: