Stunning video showcases 3D printed fashion

n9 3d printed fashion

3D printed fashion is making progress, advancing quickly from clunky, low-res pendants adorning only the bravest of true believers just a couple years ago, to sexy outfits worn on Paris runways. And people are taking notice. Big time.

A group of creative folks over at n9 Productions were wowed by the evolving beauty and originality of printed fashion when they recently visited Openhouse’s 3DEA Pop Up Store in New York, where they saw fashion and industrial design pieces by designers Aaron Trocola, Heidi Lee, Mary Huang, Pauline van Dongen, and Dirk van der Kooij. So inspired by what they saw, they rounded up some friends and produced the video you see here.

It’s a stunning production created by Mark Ledzian, Tamino Castro, Katie Daley, Chris Antonelli, Rachel Bensimon and Kemper Johnson. Here’s a list of the 3D printed pieces in the video:

Cocktail Parasol Hat by Heidi Lee / H E I D I L E E COUTURE
N12 Bikini by Mary Huang / Continuum Fashion
Morphogenesis Shoe by Pauline van Dongen
Seed of Life Corset by Aaron Trocola / Forty West Designs
Flow Dining Chair by Dirk van der Kooij

Did you like that yellow 3D printed chair? Then you MUST watch this video of how it’s created. It will blow your mind.

Mix advancements in 3D printed fashion together with studio quality production values, and you now have the attention of people who may not have otherwise taken notice of the technology. And there is nothing like sexy to help turn more heads.

h/t: Fabbaloo