Submit Listing Information

How to Submit your listing to our directory

We are happy to include your company in our 3D printing directory. We just ask that you follow these rules:

1. You may select more than one category of business you are in, but please only select the categories that apply. For example, if you are a Rapid Prototyping company and you do 3D scanning for customers, check Rapid “Prototyping” and not “Software-3D Scanning.” The latter is for software vendors.

2. In the short description field, do your best to describe your company in 300 words or less. This is what readers will see as they browse the listings, and you want to get their attention so they click through to read your more detailed information.

3. The Detailed Information field is the most important to get right, or there will be a delay in your listing being approved. If you simply paste in something from your website, for example, from your About page, we are going to have to rewrite it so that it is not duplicate content with your own page, or your description in another directory. So, take the time to write is custom for this directory. Change a few things up, add or subtract some text, and you’ll be unique. The first thing will we do when we receive an entry is to run it through Copyscape to scour the web for duplicate content.

Your entry goes into a queue until get a chance to check it and work on any changes. Listings that don’t require much work on our end will get out much more quickly.

Enter your Listing information

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